
How To Clear Screen In Mysql Console


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The title is my question. I googled and try something like

                mysql> !\ clear mysql> !\ cls mysql> system cls mysql> system clear   blah blah ...                              

but none of them works. anyone show me how to clear screen, just like cls command in window



I don't think Any of the commands will work. In linux Ctrl-L will do the job. in windows there is no equivalent. You can only Exit MySql, Type CLS and then re-enter MySql.

                mysql>  root@xion:~# mysql -uroot -ppassword; Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 33291 Server version: 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4 (Ubuntu)  Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.  mysql> \! clear                              

Just scroll down with your mouse

In Linux Ctrl+L will do but if your scroll up you will see the old commands

So I would suggest scrolling down in windows using mouse

On linux : you can use ctrl + L or type command system clear.

I had the same issue, and CTRL+L worked for me on Windows 10.

Well, if you installed MySql Server e.g. Version 5.5. which has it's folder located in:

C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin

The best way would be to include it in your paths.

  • First run sysdm.cpl applet from run i.e. WinKey + R

  • Navigate to Advanced -> Environment Variables

  • Select PATH and Click Edit.

  • Scroll to the end of the text, and add ";C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin" without quotes (Notice the semicolon starting the text, this should only be added if it's not already there),

Now you can just call:

start /b /wait mysql -u root -p

via command prompt.

To clear the screen now, you can just exit in mysql & call cls

Kinda trickish hack but does the job.

If you're using WAMP or other tool, it's even easier!

Open command prompt and type:

C:\wamp\mysql\bin\mysql -u root -p

Enter as normal, then whenever you want to clear screen, do:

exit or quit

And then clear using DOS:


You can easily re-enter by pressing up twice to get your mysql call command

This is what I did to get around this bug. The windows console (cmd) is just not worth using for anything other than some simple commands. So the following is what I did.

Installed Cygwin (Go here) It is pretty straight forward to install. You can watch this video. It explains very easily how to install cygwin. Make sure when you select the packages that you want to install includes Mintt (it is basically a better shell or cmd) and mysql client package.

Once you are done installing it, you should add the bin folder from cygwin in your PATH Environmental Variables(The above video explains that as well)

Now You will have an icon on the desktop for cygwin. Open it up and login to mysql using the normal commands. You will need to put the ip of the mysql server in the command to make it work. I use the following logging in MySQL which was installed through wamp

                mysql -u root -p -h                              

You can add more arguments in there if you want. Once you get in mysql just press ctrl + L and you will clear the screen.

you can type the following step:

mysql> exit;

C:\xampp\mysql\bin> cls

C:\xampp\mysql\bin> mysql -u root -h localhost

it's work!

I handle it as follows:

  1. Right click on cmd open property's goto layout
  2. Set screen buffer height to 9999 and ok
  3. Now whenever you want to type a new query, just scroll with the mouse and you will get a blank screen

SQL> clear scr

This command clears the screen in MYSQL

although there is bug for clearing the screen in MySQL, I have found one tactic trick whatever you want to say...

you can easily clear the screen using this...

just press ( ctrl + down arrow ) until you reach to top... happy codding...

Open Properties by clicking the upper left console window icon, go to Layout tab, take note of the value set in Screen Buffer Size->Height, and change it to 1. Click OK.
You'll see a 1 row console. Open Properties again and change that value back to what it had before. Resize the console down and you'll have a clean console.

enter image description here

Click with contextMenu button on Mysql prompt and choose "Scroll", because I didn't find any way to clean too. =P

How To Clear Screen In Mysql Console


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