
How To Clean 5 Gallon Oil Buckets

Posted 11/21/2015 10:01 (#4910443)
Subject: how do you clean oil buckets?

northern IL

I have a snowy day job that I need to do without getting the pressure washer out and freezing my

I have empty buckets of hy-tran that we use for feed buckets that still have an oil film in them.

Is there a cleaner or a simple way to clean them?

Posted 11/21/2015 10:03 (#4910449 - in reply to #4910443)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?

Southwestern Ohio

We use brake cleaner then soap and water.


Posted 11/21/2015 10:18 (#4910479 - in reply to #4910449)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?

Jarvie, Ab, Ca

Someone has to be first. Have you thought of using a cat? ahay68979
Posted 11/21/2015 10:18 (#4910481 - in reply to #4910449)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?

Saronville NE

I use gas and slosh around then rinse with water and use. Dave9110
Posted 11/21/2015 10:26 (#4910491 - in reply to #4910481)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?

north-central Indiana west of Fulton

Same here ...a little gasoline in one bucket....clean with a brush, then move to each other bucket. Farmerkuk
Posted 11/21/2015 10:28 (#4910501 - in reply to #4910491)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?


Tip upside down into another bucket for a day or two.....then use jedstivers
Posted 11/21/2015 10:31 (#4910509 - in reply to #4910443)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?

Marianna Arkansas

Always used gas but if I have it break cleaner does it too and takes less of it.
Have used dust before too. Then wash it out but it's not as good. Haleiwa
Posted 11/21/2015 10:38 (#4910516 - in reply to #4910443)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?

West Chazy, New York

I clean them with the parts washer.  I have one that uses a water based solution (Smart Washer), but the solvent type will work as well.  Just wash it out with a little dish soap when you have the oil removed and it is pretty much ready to go.

Posted 11/21/2015 10:40 (#4910522 - in reply to #4910509)
Subject: RE:does anybody save the lids?

northern IL

Do the lids get reused for anything?

My dad used to cut the steel lids with the flip up handles off ,and screw them to an inside of a sliding door. It worked well for a handle that folded in when the door was all the way open. Or the lid on the over head bins in the crib.

Posted 11/21/2015 10:53 (#4910552 - in reply to #4910443)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?


Must be a WY thing we have never had a problem just turning them upside down and letting gravity do the work.  All discarded oil is properly disposed of, of course.  Wouldn't dare turn them over on say a manure pile for a week or so.

Posted 11/21/2015 11:01 (#4910560 - in reply to #4910552)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?

sc ia

Galaxie64 - 11/21/2015 10:53

Must be a WY thing we have never had a problem just turning them upside down and letting gravity do the work.  All discarded oil is properly disposed of, of course.  Wouldn't dare turn them over on say a manure pile for a week or so.

Or hang them on a fence post. IL cow man
Posted 11/21/2015 12:27 (#4910686 - in reply to #4910443)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?

Buffalo IL

The most appropriate way I would use is the water based solvents for parts cleaning and have used gasoline. RB55
Posted 11/21/2015 12:37 (#4910700 - in reply to #4910686)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?


Dawn dish soap does an excellent job. John Smith
Posted 11/21/2015 12:38 (#4910701 - in reply to #4910481)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?

South Central Illinois

What do you do with the gas?

Put it back in the tank?

Posted 11/21/2015 13:12 (#4910767 - in reply to #4910443)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?

Milford, IL

Do you have a corn burner to heat your house or shop? Use them to feed the corn burner and after a short while they will end up clean. Crete
Posted 11/21/2015 13:31 (#4910812 - in reply to #4910443)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?

Badger State

Do you feed any whole corn? After a few rounds of whole dry shelled corn they will be clean and dry. ttop
Posted 11/21/2015 17:35 (#4911181 - in reply to #4910443)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?


Tip them into another bucket for a couple days to drain, and repeat the remaining buckets until only one remains, done this for years and have not hurt anything yet.

Posted 11/21/2015 19:16 (#4911398 - in reply to #4910443)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?


I have a 55 gallon drum in the corner of the shop with a big funnel to collect waste oil. Flip it upside down on top of the funnel for a couple days and just fine. bennyt
Posted 11/21/2015 19:46 (#4911481 - in reply to #4911398)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?

Trenton, Missouri

We always have a pile of limestone screenings that we use for quickly setting posts. I will fill these buckets with that and let them sit outside a week or two. When I dump them out they are clean. I suppose the screenings work like kitty litter and absorbs it. wayneNWAR
Posted 11/21/2015 19:56 (#4911498 - in reply to #4910443)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?

north west arkansas

We leave them upside down for a few days then start feeding them. 40/20vision
Posted 11/22/2015 07:38 (#4912137 - in reply to #4910701)
Subject: RE: how do you clean oil buckets?


John Smith - 11/21/2015 12:38

What do you do with the gas?

Put it back in the tank?

Dump it on the burn pile. Just like everything else you need to get rid of.

How To Clean 5 Gallon Oil Buckets


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